Sunday, 15 May 2011

RIP Ariel Rosado

VIA Patrick Jones: A traffic accident on the Northern Highway last night has claimed the life of one person and left another injured. The incident happened just before eleven o’clock last night at mile two and a half at the entrance to Buttonwood Bay area. It claimed the life of attorney at law and former cyclist, twenty eight year old Ariel Rosado. According to police reports, twenty three year old cyclist Marlon Castillo was driving his Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, heading towards Belize City, when upon reaching the roundabout at mile two and a half, he lost control of the SUV and crashed into a concrete fence. Rosado sustained severe head and body injuries and died about an hour later at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital while undergoing treatment. Castillo, has been served with a notice of intended prosecution by the police. The pickup was extensively damaged.

Let's pray for cyclist Marlon Castillo, hope you get better :]]

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